Special Effects Powder - 6 gr


Special Effects Powder - 6 gr

9,00 €
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Grimas Special Effects Powder is a coloured fine powder that is used to create various special effects in a simple way. It can be applied on the skin, in the hair and onto clothing. Special Effects Powder is available in 6 different colours. In addition, the colours can be mixed with each other for even more colour nuances.


Thanks to the diverse application possibilities and the realistic effects that can be achieved with it, Special Effects Powder is suitable for many purposes: from Halloween and film / theater to accident simulation.


Modo d'uso
Turn the package upside down and tap the bottom of the bottle to dispense the Special Effects Powder. Apply the powder with a brush, a make-up sponge or with your fingers. Special Effects Powder can be used in dry and liquid form (mixed with water or Grimas Cleansing Lotion). Moreover, it is very suitable for colouring Grimas Special Effects / Blister Gel and thus creating a solid coloured gel.


If you want to use Special Effects Powder in liquid form, dip the brush in water or Grimas Cleansing Lotion first and then in the Special Effects Powder.


Colour number 101 (black) can be used to create a charred effect on burns. This colour can also be used for making ash / soot smears: to that end, apply the powder to the skin dry or with a slightly damp brush or make-up sponge (depending on the desired type of smear).


Colour number 103 (gray) can be used to create the effect of road dirt (as with someone who has been living on the street for a long time) on the skin. This colour can also be used to make lighter ash / soot smears.


Colour number 404 (green) is ideal for mixing with Special Effects / Blister Gel: a bright green gel ('slime') is created. This colour can also be mixed with Grimas Dirt Paste to create a more yellow-green gel ('zombie snot').


Colour number 504 (dark red) can be mixed with Special Effects / Blister Gel, for example for making varicose veins with the help of a syringe. If you use this colour to colour Nose Wax, you can also use it to create a blood blister. In dry form, the colour is very suitable for slightly pre-colouring Grimas Latex Prosthetics to suggest a naturally perfused skin. In addition, a black eye can be made very quickly by rubbing a little of the powder in the corner of the eye.


Colour number 505 (red) appears slightly pink in dry form, but turns bright red when wetted. Among other things, this colour can be used well for creating (fresh) burns. Mixed with Special Effects / Blister Gel, a solid blood structure is created.


Colour number 808 (sand) is ideal for creating a dusty look in the hair and on the clothing.


Special Effects Powder can be removed with lukewarm water and soap (you can also use shampoo).


Qtà: 6 gr.



Category (v. Beta):
Negru 101
103 Gri închis
404 Verde prăfuit 404
504 Roșu bordeaux 504
505 Roșu intens 505
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    Blister Gel
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